


- 政府註冊劏車公司(拆車商編號:4111),信心保証,即付現金及劏車紙,手續簡單,方便快捷

- 專營劏車,好壞照收,包括貨車、貨van、私家車及電單車(新車,舊車,事故,水浸,廢車,乜都收)

- 出售各款二手汽車零件(歐、日、韓 汽車)

- 自備拖車及貨車,隨時安排劏車拖車及零件送貨(遠近包拖,包送貨)

- 專業拆車裝櫃,代訂船期出口及報關(主要出口:泰國,馬來西亞,迪拜)

- 歡迎親臨本公司 或 致電查詢及報價



- Government register (Register no. 4111)

- Dismantle cars include all Damaged / Outdated / Bad Condition vehicles

- Different type of car parts for sale

- We have our own trucks to provide immediate services for customers

- Container loading and export services

- Welcome to call our hot-line for enquires (For English Tel: 24833199)




劏車部 : 24833988  零件部 : 24833299


寫字樓 Office : 24833199      傳真 Fax : 24833211
